Ace Medicare Supplement Review

Who Is ACE?

Chubb Company is the parent company of ACE.  They have over $225 billion in assets and are considered one of the highest-rated Medicare Supplement companies in the insurance industry. They earned an AA from Standard & Poor’s and an A++ from AM Best.

As of August 12, 2024, ACE Property and Casualty Insurance Company is the only Medicare Supplement insurer with an AM Best A++ rating.

Chubb has operations in 54 countries and territories and provides commercial and personal property and casualty insurance, personal accident and supplemental health insurance, reinsurance, and life insurance. Chubb employs about 40,000 people worldwide.  They have offices in Zurich, Paris, London, and New York, just to name a few.

Chubb Limited, the parent company of Chubb, is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CB) and is a component of the S&P 500 index.

What Types of Plans Does ACE Offer For People With Medicare?

ACE Medicare Supplements

Medicare Supplement Plans offered by ACE Property and Casualty provide competitive pricing and exceptional consumer customer service.  Those features, combined with the strength of their A.M. Best rating of A++, make them an attractive company when you’re shopping for a Medicare Supplement.

ACE Medigap plans to provide unbeatable coverage for hospitalization, outpatient care, and preventive care.  You won’t need to sacrifice great coverage for low cost.

The pricing method ACE uses to determine the type of rate structure will depend on your state of residence.  If you’re a snowbird and spend and have more than one residence, your state is usually the one you spend more time in and pay federal taxes in.

What Medicare Supplement Plans Does ACE Property and Casualty offer?

ACE doesn’t offer Medicare Advantage plans or Medicare Part D prescription drug plans

ACE Medicare Supplement plans include the following but can vary depending on the state you live in.

  • Plan F
  • Plan G
  • Plan N
  • Plan A


What Discounts Does ACE Offer?

ACE Medicare plans offer a household discount for members of the same household. The household discount provided is 7%.

When did ACE Property and Casualty start providing Medicare Supplements?

They started offering Medigap plans in August of 2022 in 17 states across the country.

Who Qualifies for an ACE Medigap Plan?

If you’re not in your Medicare Part B Open Enrollment or have a Guaranteed right to enroll in a Medicare Supplement, you’ll need to fall within the height and weight guidelines below.

Height and Weight Chart

Height Decline Weight Standard Weight Decline Weight
4’2″ < 54 54 – 145 146 +
4’3″ < 56 56 – 151 152 +
4’4″ < 58 58 – 157 158 +
4’5″ < 60 60 – 163 164 +
4’6″ < 63 63 – 170 171 +
4’7″ < 65 65 – 176 177 +
4’8″ < 67 67 – 182 183 +
4’9” < 70 70 – 189 190 +
4’10” < 72 72 – 196 197 +
4’11” < 75 75 – 202 203 +
5’0″ < 77 77 – 209 210 +
5’1″ < 80 80 – 216 217 +
5’2″ < 83 83 – 224 225 +
5’3″ < 85 85 – 231 232 +
5’4″ < 88 88 – 238 239 +
5’5″ < 91 91 – 246 247 +
5’6″ < 93 93 – 254 255 +
5’7″ < 96 96 – 261 262 +
5’8″ < 99 99 – 269 270 +
5’9″ < 102 102 – 277 278 +
5’10” < 105 105 – 285 286 +
5’11” < 108 108 – 293 294 +
6’0″ < 111 111 – 302 303 +
6’1″ < 114 114 – 310 311 +
6’2″ < 117 117 – 319 320 +
6’3″ < 121 121 – 328 329 +
6’4″ < 124 124 – 336 337 +
6’5″ < 127 127 – 345 346 +
6’6″ < 130 130 – 354 355 +
6’7″ < 134 134 – 363 364 +
6’8″ < 137 137 – 373 374 +
6’9″ < 140 140 – 382 383 +
6’10” < 144 144 – 392 393 +
6’11” < 147 147 – 401 402 +
7’0″ < 151 151 – 411 412 +
7’1″ < 155 155 – 421 422 +
7’2″ < 158 158 – 431 432 +
7’3″ < 162 162 – 441 442 +
7’4″ < 166 166 – 451 452 +

You Need To Answer Health Questions if you’re not applying during an open enrollment or guarantee issue period.

You don’t need to answer the health questions if the applicant is applying during an open enrollment or a guarantee issue period.
To be considered eligible for coverage, the first section of the application health questions that indicate when the applicant is not eligible for coverage must be answered “No”.   If you answer “Yes” to the subsequent section of health questions, you may be eligible for coverage, but an underwriter must evaluate the information you provide.

List Your Medications

Suppose you’re taking any prescription or over-the-counter or prescription medications recommended by a physician. In that case, you’ll need to list each medication, when it was first prescribed, the date prescription last filled, dosage and frequency, and the reason or condition you’re taking it.

Possible Medications and Health Condition Declines

Generic Brands Uninsurable Health
abacavir Ziagen HIV
abarelix Plenaxis cancer
acamprosate Campral alcohol abuse
AL-721 AL-721 AIDS, HIV
albuterol/ipratropium DuoNeb, Combivent Respimat COPD, emphysema
altretamine Hexalen cancer
amantadine Amantadine, Symmetrel, Symadine Parkinson’s
anakinra Kineret rheumatoid arthritis
apomorphine Apokyn, Uprima Parkinson’s
atazanavir Reyataz HIV
auranofin Ridaura rheumatoid arthritis
aurothioglucose Solganal rheumatoid arthritis
azathioprine Imuran, Azasan rheumatoid arthritis, kidney
BCG TheraCyx, Tice BCG bladder cancer
baclofen Lioresal, Lioresal Intrathecal, Gablofen multiple sclerosis
benztropine Cogentin Parkinson’s
bicalutamide Casodex prostate cancer
biperiden hydrochloride Akineton Parkinson’s
bleomycin Blenoxane cancer
bromocriptine Cycloset, Parlodel Parkinson’s
busulfan Myleran, Busulfex cancer
carbidopa Lodosyn Parkinson’s
carbidopa/levodopa Sinemet, Rytary, Duopa, Atamet,
Carbilev, Parcopa
carboplatin Paraplatin cancer
chlorambucil Leukeran cancer, kidney transplant,
rheumatoid arthritis
chlorotrianisene Tace cancer
chlorpromazine Thorazine psychosis, schizophrenia
cisplatin Platinol cancer
cyclophosphamide Cytoxan, Neosar cancer, rheumatoid arthritis,
cycloserine Seromycin tuberculosis
Generic Brands Uninsurable Health
cyclosporine Neoral, Sandimmune, Gengraf organ transplant, cancer,
rheumatoid arthritis
darunavir Prezista AIDS, HIV
delavirdine Rescriptor AIDS, HIV
didanosine Videx, ddl AIDS, HIV
disulfiram Antabuse alcohol abuse
donepezil Aricept dementia
doxorubicin Adriamycin, Caelyx, Rubex cancer
dronabinol Marinol, THC cancer
efavirenz Sustiva AIDS, HIV
emtricitabine Atripla AIDS, HIV
emtricitabine Emtriva, Coviracil AIDS, HIV
emtricitabine/tenofovir Truvada HIV
enfuvirtide Fuzeon AIDS, HIV
entacapone Comtan Parkinson’s
Stalevo Parkinson’s
epoetin alfa Epogen, Procrit, Eprex chronic kidney disease, HIV,
ergoloid mesylates Hydergine dementia
etanercept Enbrel rheumatoid arthritis
ethinyl estradiol Estinyl cancer
ethopropazine Parsidol Parkinson’s
etoposide VePesid, Toposar, Etopophos cancer
filgrastim Neupogen, Granix, Zarxio cancer
fluphenazine Modecate, Prolixin, Moditen, Permitil psychosis
flutamide Euflex, Eulexin cancer
fosamprenavir Lexiva HIV
foscarnet sodium Foscavir AIDS, HIV
furosemide (>60mg/day) Lasix heart disease
galantamine Razadyne, Reminyl dementia
glatiramer Copaxone, Glatopa multiple sclerosis
gold sodium thiomalate Myochrysine, Aurolate severe arthritis
goserelin Zoladex cancer
haloperidol Haldol, Peridol psychosis
hydroxyurea Hydrea, Droxia cancer
imatinib Gleevec cancer
indinavir Crixivan, IDV AIDS, HIV
infliximab Remicade rheumatoid arthritis
insulin > 50 units per day many brands diabetes mellitus
interferon many brands AIDS, HIV, cancer, multiple
sclerosis, hepatitis
interferon alfa-2a Roferon-A AIDS, HIV, cancer
interferon beta 1a Avonex, Rebif multiple sclerosis
interferon beta 1b Betaseron, Extavia multiple sclerosis
ipratropium Atrovent COPD, emphysema
lamivudine Combivir, 3TC, Epivir AIDS
Trizivir HIV
leuprolide Lupron, Eligard cancer
Generic Brands Uninsurable Health
levamisole hydrochloride Ergamisol cancer
levodopa Larodopa, Dopar, L-Dopa Parkinson’s
lomustine Gleostine, CCNU cancer
lopinavir Kaletra HIV
maraviroc Selzentry HIV
medroxyprogesterone acetate Depo-Provera, Provera, Amen,
Curretab, Cycrin
megestrol Megace cancer
melphalan Alkeran cancer
memantine Namenda dementia
methotrexate Trexall, Rheumatrex, Rasuvo, Otrexup severe arthritis (>25mg/wk),
mitomycin Mutamycin cancer
mitoxantrone Novantrone multiple sclerosis, cancer
mycophenolate CellCept, Myfortic myasthenia gravis, organ
naltrexone ReVia, Vivitrol, Depade opioid or alcohol detox
natalizumab Tysabri multiple sclerosis
nelfinavir Viracept AIDS, HIV
neostigmine Prostigmin, Bloxiverz Myasthenia Gravis
nesiritide Natrecor congestive heart failure
nevirapine Viramune AIDS, HIV
ondansetron Zofran cancer
oxygen COPD, emphysema
paliperidone Invega schizophrenia
pergolide mesylate Permax Parkinson’s
pramipexole Mirapex Parkinson’s
prednisone Rayos, Sterapred severe arthritis (>10mg/day),
lupus, chronic lung disease
procyclidine Kemadrin Parkinson’s
pyridostigmine Mestinon, Regonol Myasthenia Gravis
rasagiline Azilect Parkinson’s
riluzole Rilutek ALS – amyotrophic lateral
risperidone Risperdal psychosis, schizophrenia
ritonavir Norvir AIDS, HIV
rivastigmine Exelon dementia
ropinirole Requip Parkinson’s
rotigotine Neupro Parkinson’s
saquinavir Invirase, Fortovase AIDS, HIV
selegiline Carbex, Eldepryl, Zelapar Parkinson’s
stavudine Zerit, d4T AIDS, HIV
streptozocin Zanosar cancer
tacrine Cognex dementia
tacrolimus Prograf, Hecoria, Astagraf, Envarsus myasthenia gravis, organ
tenofovir Viread AIDS, HIV
testolactone Teslac cancer
theophylline many brands COPD, emphysema
thioridazine Mellaril psychosis, dementia
thiotepa Tespa, Thioplex cancer
Generic Brands Uninsurable Health
thiothixene Navane psychosis
tiotropium Spiriva COPD, emphysema
tipranavir Aptivus AIDS, HIV
tolcapone Tasmar Parkinson’s
trastuzumab Herceptin cancer
trifluoperazine Stelazine psychosis, schizophrenia
trihexyphenidyl Artane, Trihex Parkinson’s
triptorelin Trelstar cancer
valganiciclovir Valcyte HIV
vincristine Oncovin, Vincasar cancer
zalcitabine Hivid, ddC AIDS, HIV
zidovudine AZT, ZDV, Retrovir AIDS, HIV, hepatitis
ziprasidone Geodon schizophrenia
zoledronic acid Reclast, Zometa hypercalcemia caused by


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